F3 Medina
Smoking the Ruck Out of It
Thu., Jan. 4, 2024
Smokin’ the Ruck Out of It
Thu., Jan. 4, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Roscoe Ewing Park (Guilford Blvd. Lot)
Four PAX endured a somewhat treacherous 3.2 miles on an icy January morn. @Radio a back from vaca @Dash an increasingly punctual @Squealer and a coming in hot @Cadet put in the miles, and our wives are lucky ladies for it!
I’m getting the popcorn ready for what looks like a great race heating up between @Rad and @Uniballer for DR supremacy! @Uniballer had me worried with his early SC, but came through in the end! Disappointingly, @Rad neglected to DR.
@Dash had great stories about vacation in Aruba! @Dash in his banana hammock riding an ATV over bumpy terrain. Oh the visuals! Thankfully, he’s back with us, and fully clothed. Unfortunately, @Cadet and @Squealer got separated from us for a bit, as @Squealer‘s footwear was not conducive to the skating rink like conditions. @Squealer did confide in us that he has a hundred K sunk into a law degree, so he can make any argument he wants. @Cadet astutely added, “As long as he can get 8 people to agree with him.” @Radio replied that he can make any argument he wants, and all it cost him was $7.80 in late fees at the local library. Then again, getting eight people to agree with @Radio might be a stretch. Just remember, it’s not plagiarism, if you just mistakenly copy other people’s ideas without giving proper credit. Oh wait, isn’t that the definition of plagiarism?