F3 Medina
Wed., Oct. 5, 2022
The Merkin Ladder
Wed., Oct. 5, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
brief shoulder focused warmup with instructions for our Merkin Ladder consisting of multiple reps of each of the following:
Dealer’s Choice Merkins (standard, wide grip, western style, etc);
Incline Merkins
Decline Merkins
Abyss Merkins
Hindu/Dive Bomber Merkins (I’m still unsure if there is a difference)
Round 1: 5 reps of each followed by 200 yd run
Round 2: 10 reps of each followed by 200 yd run
Round 3: 15 reps of each followed by 200 yd run
Round 4: 20 reps of each followed by 200 yd run
Round 5: 25 reps of each followed by 200 yd run
Rounds 6-10: work your way back down the ladder.
Total works out to 625 merkins + just over 1 mile of running and we proved it cant be done in a 45 minute workout.
focus on increments. Big goals are achieved over time. Incremental success means that any stumbles you have along the way will also be incremental. Progress towards a bigger goal takes time and instead of getting overwhelmed by how far away it may be, focus on the successes you have along the path to accomplishing it. I am sure everyone in the group can identify some type of progress they have made physically, mentally, spiritually or otherwise as a result of being part of this group.