F3 Copley
The Beastmother
Thu., Jan. 27, 2022
Pre-Birthday party
Thu., Jan. 27, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
SSH, Arm Circles, M Phelps, Hill Billies, Sumo Hill Billies, Ballerinas
1st Song: Cowboy als Mann
SSH + Burpee on Cowboy (12 in total)
2nd Song: Ich war noch niemals in New York
Elbow Plank + Plank Jack on chorus line
3rd Song: Burger Dance
Imperial Walker +
SSHut on Pizza Hut
Chicken Squat on KFC
M-Jump on McDonalds
Party-Game UNO
Rep count and exercise based on card played
Magenta = Merkin
Yellow = Yump lunges
Green = Jackknife Grunch
Blue = BlurpeeParty Ball Game
Circle on six and pass around ball from feet to feet.
If ball drops 25 big boys penalty
Party Ball Game
Circle on six and pass around ball from feet to feet.
If ball drops 25 big boys penalty
Leadership lesson from dancing guy: you are just a crazy dude, it’s not you but the follower that transforms the craziness into leadership.
This video conveys the message perfectly: