F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Nov. 4, 2024

Rally for Squealer

Mon., Nov. 4, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Rally began with a motivator and some stretches.

Then, we did an escalator… starting with 4 and increasing by 2 reps. Each new set, we repeated the previous exercises and the next PAX chose the additional one…

Ultimately, the sets consisted of:

  • 4 burpees
  • 6 big boys
  • 8 overhead press
  • 10 merkins
  • (then, in true democratic fashion, the next two were PAX choice in how they were interpreted and enforced… 12…er 6…er 14… Bulgarian/pretzel split squats)
  • 16 curls (for the girls)
  • 18 cherry pickers (including one round in cadence)
  • 20 second plank (with an always interesting round robin count… I miss @Picabo…)
  • 22 Dr. Ws
  • 24 weighted calf raises
  • 26 LBCs
  • 28 side tri rises
  • 30 yard dash



Totally went over time… sorry.


On the eve of Election Day, just wanted to share some thoughts… Very honored to know and be privileged to call @Squealer a friend. It is extremely easy to bitch about leadership… be it your boss, the coach of a 2-7 football team… anyone in the spotlight who has to turn feelings/beliefs into action… for more than just themselves and their family. Political office is an even more special beast in that you are elected by those same people who bitch… and to be re-elected is a crazy level of special in that it means you operated with a concrete level of integrity… staying true those guiding principles you laid out and to being the voice for those who put their trust in you. I think it speaks (accurate) volumes to Squealer’s character… he is a man of action… and that means a ton… whether it’s having a role in running our county or all his philanthropic endeavors, he gets shit done (maybe minus the pothole in front of @Dash’s house?) Actions above words…