F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Jun. 30, 2022


Thu., Jun. 30, 2022 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park

Scratch n Sniff


Partner exercises were completed, by alternating, until each exercises rep goal was met. One partner jogged down and back in the parking lot, while the other exercised.

100 merkins
100 air squats
50 curls
50 DLs
65 OH press
1 lap jog, together
10 count
(2 rounds)


365.25 ring of fire. Counted up to 365 while holding front and back planks

stretching and yoga


One year is a long time. A lot can happen in a year. Sometimes, you’ll hear people say, “the year has flown by,” or, “where did the time go?”

I’ve been coming to F3 for right around 13 months. To say that this group has changed and improved my life, well, that would be an understatement.

A little over 1 year ago, I was the most depressed and tired and ‘sad clown’ (to use an F3 term) I’ve ever been. I knew I needed a change. I prayed, daily, for a change.

Then, Padre nudged me to show up to a Medina workout.
Then, my wife nudged me to start talking with a counselor to help me manage the work stresses that were spilling over into my family life.
Then, I nudged myself to eliminate anything that was taking my focus off of the main priorities in my life; my wife and kids, and my ability to be a financial, spiritual, emotional, caring, and loving provider to them.
Then, I learned the good F3 could bring to men who may be better or worse off than I was, so I started the Brunswick AO.

Now, the last time I drank alcohol was over 1 year ago. June 26th of last year.
Now, my health is the best it’s ever been.
Now, my career is the most enjoyable it’s ever been
Now, my time with my family is the best it’s ever been.
Now, I wake up every day, grateful and ready for whatever bullshit is gonna come my way.  I still don’t always handle everything as well as I should, but it’s all the nudges and positive choices made over the past year that help me react in the best ways possible.

Long story, short: I’m thankful for you all. Thank you for making me a better man.

TAPS for anyone struggling, with anything, whether it be silently, or visibly. Don’t be afraid to lean on this group of fine men.