F3 Medina
The Hive
Mon., Nov. 28, 2022
You vs. You
Mon., Nov. 28, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
A bit of mobility from goaline to Fifty followed be general flailing around….
Changed my mind late last night a turned this into a simple you vs you morning.
Began with round robin of (5) exercises all at 20 reps each:
Coupon Press
Bent Row
Pax then took a “modified” lap to the bleachers for (4) passes up and down the steps and then returned to far end zone by way of the field. Rinse and Repeat till we timed out a 6:40. @Shugah paced us all at (5) full laps in the 30 minutes given. Well done!!!
Shared with the group that coming off the Holiday weekend and being reminded of “giving thanks” for all we have, Donna and I were grounded a bit with the underpinnings of a bit of internal strife between new daughter-in-law, Leslie and our eldest daughter, Samantha. Family dynamics are sometimes not fun. Many of us know and have experienced this first hand. So as we march on towards Christmas, my prayer is that lines of communications are opened where needed and the sometimes “hard” conversations that need to take place to move forward happen.