F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., May. 18, 2024

Ode to Forrest

Sat., May. 18, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Memorial Stadium



Mumble chatter that past few days has been epic!  @Squealer would have achieved autofellatio with a few more neck rolls!


Brought back the formula from my first BEEtdown, Q’ed by @Forrest.
PAX carried a coupon around the track, and did an exercise every 100M, escalating by 5 reps at each stop.
This was done to a patriotic playlist, prompting @Squealer to remark that he never knew there were so many angry patriotic songs.  There are, and @Radio loves them. 


LBCs x100


Jake Allex
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, Company H, 131st Infantry, 33rd Division.
Place and date: At Chipilly Ridge, France, 9 August 1918.
Citation: At a critical point in the action, when all the officers with his platoon had become casualties, Cpl. Allex took command of the platoon and led it forward until the advance was stopped by fire from a machinegun nest. He then advanced alone for about 30 yards in the face of intense fire and attacked the nest. With his bayonet he killed 5 of the enemy, and when it was broken, used the butt of his rifle, capturing 15 prisoners.
Little is known about his life following the First World War.
Prayers for Number 5, as he is close to having Number 2!  Continued prayers for both @UniBaller‘s and @French Lick‘s fathers.  Prayer for all over our law enforcement officers, as we wraps up National Law Enforcement Week!  Hail to @CHiP and @roscoe!