F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Aug. 2, 2024

The Bob Guy

Fri., Aug. 2, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Warm-up was the typical stretchy stuff.  Neck rolls, arm circles, downward dog, runners stretch, cross body arm stretch, cat/cow, Catchers pose, flamingo.


One mosey around the track.
20 SSH
20 standard merkins
20 Merkins – hands turned in
20 Merkins – hands turned out
20 Big Boys – Bicycles
20 LBC’s
20 Squat thrusts – Air Squats
Run one lap around track. Rinse and repeat. We did the first set in cadence, after that OYO.


The Olympics are in full swing and is typical I don’t pay much attention to most of the Olympic sports except for a brief time every 4 years when the Olympics are held and I get sucked into the coverage.   It’s striking to consider that most of these athletes train for the majority of their lives to compete in a single event on a single day. The word that came to my mind as I was watching the coverage last night was perseverance.  It reminded me of the famous Usain Bolt quote. “ I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds, and people give up when they don’t see results in 2 months.”   Much like the book “The Art of War”, if you were to summarize the message into one sentence it’s that, every battle is won or lost before it’s fought. It’s the preparation and work on the front end that has the greatest impact on the outcome.