Increase your bandwidth
Sat., Jul. 10, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am
Sally Up Sally Down
Increase your bandwidth total body partner workout
1 set: 50 Mekins, 50 curls, 50 shoulder press
2 set: 50 Big Boys, 50 fetter kicks, 50 Freddy Mercury’s
3 set: 50 Squats, 50 lungs, 50 Jump Squats
Other partner ran 40 yards
Prayers for @Blitzkrieg traveling this weekend with Kids, @JarJar friend who is dealing with abuse issues within her marriage also teaching/preaching thus weekend. Praises @Comeback Kid for his push to Chase Lions in his runs on Sunday’s.
Thanks Brother’s for allowing me to lead you. I always count it an honor and privilege. #ChasingLions