Tue., Sep. 7, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


Full body warmup


The Thang: RESPECT: 50 reps of the following exercises.
  • Swings
  • Off-Set Merkins
  • Squats (hold KB by horn)
  • Clean to Press
  • L Shape Crunches (hold KB straight arms above chest)
  • Explosive Deadlifts


Ownership of Leadership: we are all called to lead. It looks different for each of us. Some are called to lead businesses while others are called to lead families. When it comes down to it we all have to own leading ourselves. Christ is here to give us the guidance we need with all of this. I encourage each of you to accept His offer of helping you through this life and the battleground that we live in. Prayers for @Flyguy’s dad as he is fighting covid and pneumonia. Prayers for @SloMo’s daughter as she ventures out to her first day of preschool. Prayers for the rest of the Pax as we all try to carry different burdens that we are not meant to carry. I pray for each of us that we will give those things over to God and allow Him to use us so others can see and experience his passion and love for us. Amen!