F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Sep. 6, 2021

Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

Mon., Sep. 6, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • SSH
  • Necks
  • Arm circles
  • Turn and bounce
  • Hurdler stetches
  • Flamingo
  • Down dog / hip stretches


Guardian run – 5 merkins before running to front (2 laps)
Hill series:
  • sprint up / mosey (or roll if you’re brave and youthful) down
  • Lunge up / mosey down
  • Bear crawl up / mosey down
  • Crab walk up / mosey down
  • Backwards lunge up / mosey down
  • Backwards run up / mosey down
We did four series total. We did the first and last series as a group. We did the middle two OYO and modified the crab walk to the beloved Crawl Bears (backwards bear crawl up the hill).
Backwards guardian run: person in back had to backpedal to the front and then turn around to lead the pack in a forward mosey


Bicycle series:
  • 10 slow / 10 fast – 1 set
  • 10 slow / 10 fast – 2 sets (no break)
  • 10 slow / 10 fast – 3 sets (no break)
  • 10 slow / 10 fast – 2 sets (no break)
  • 10 slow / 10 fast – 1 set


We often grow more from our backwards steps than from our forward ones.