F3 Copley

Running with Kettle Bells

Wed., Mar. 15, 2023

23 Minutes

Wed., Mar. 15, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Ear to Ear, Shoulder Rolls, Proud Chest, Tantrums, Side Slides, Tappy Taps, Runner Stretch


23 Glorious minutes of Running with Kettlebells or Weighted Vest, 10 reps of your exercise of choice at each drop of the bell, switch hands and carry on my wayward son. Music by Korn, Metallica, Pantera, and Disturbed to motivate the pace.


Flutter Kicks, LBC, Pass the Butter, then stretching to cool down (in 15 degree weather)


Thoughts came from 1 Thessalonians where we are told to Rejoice Always, and pray without ceasing. Prayer and praise go together.  Modern day Christian’s too often pray when things are bad, and maybe rejoice when things are good. That’s not right. We are to Rejoice Always!  Not sometimes, not only when things are good, but Always. Rejoice in the good and bad in life, pray in the good and bad in life. Have a great day my F3 brothers.