F3 Copley
The Tomahawk
Sat., Feb. 12, 2022
The Forlorn Hope
Sat., Feb. 12, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Copley High School
ssh x35, Sun salutations x3
The Forlorn Hope
Ruck to Cleveland Massillon Rd and back, while carrying logs, blocks and pulling weight sled thru snow. Tried rolling tire, failed after 50ft, left to pickup on way back.
Part of what makes F3 great is the fact that we embrace every man that comes to a workout. Leave no man behind is more than a credo, it is and should be a way of life.
Today we rucked 1+ mile in an hour. I named todays workout for the group of 17 men, women and children that set off from the Donner Party in the 1800’s to get help. They hiked 80 miles in 30+ days thru heavy snow before they reached safety. Only 7 made it alive. Just shows that things could always be worse. So no matter what is going on in your life, things can always be worse. Be thankful for what you have and who you know. Be thankful for the absolute smallest thing in your life. Thankyou again for the leadership opportunity and growth it provides.