F3 Medina
Wed., May. 18, 2022
Hurdle Races
Wed., May. 18, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
25 SSH, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Abe Vigota, Imperial walkers, Downward Dog, Greatest Stretch in the World, Pigeon, Frog
3 Teams of 3 – Start on Goal line.
#1 runs to 10 yard line the drop for specified exercise (See below)
#2 runs to the 20 hurdling #1 then drop for exercise
#3 runs to the 30 hurdling #1 & #2 drop for exercise
As #3 hurdles #1, #1 can begin (4) of the specified exercise
After (4) reps of the specified exercise are completed the teammate can run 10 yards past their farthest teammate hurdling over their teammates in the process
#2 runs to the 20 hurdling #1 then drop for exercise
#3 runs to the 30 hurdling #1 & #2 drop for exercise
As #3 hurdles #1, #1 can begin (4) of the specified exercise
After (4) reps of the specified exercise are completed the teammate can run 10 yards past their farthest teammate hurdling over their teammates in the process
Repeat this process until all PAX cross the opposite goal line6 Rounds of Hurdle Races
- Shoulder Taps – 4 Hand release merkins
- The Dolly – 4 big boys
- Mountain Climbers – 4 Hand release merkins
- Flutter Kicks – 4 Big Boys
- Plank Jacks – 4 Hand release merkins
- Scissor Kicks – 4 Big Boys
- The Dolly
- The Rosalita
- Flutter Kicks
- The Dying Cockroach
- Scissor Kicks
- Freddie Mercury
Find a moment to look back see just how much you have learned and accomplished up to this point. Continue to progress and develop, life has a lot to offer.