F3 Medina


Wed., Sep. 14, 2022

Football Themed Workout

Wed., Sep. 14, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Warmup of tappy taps, Denny Martins, SSH, stretching.  The mighty 7 then marched down the field with a variety of disc bear crawls, crawl bears, wheelbarrow carries and moseying. At each 10 yard interval, exercises were performed that ranged from merkins, merkins, SSH, squats, merkins, squarkins, derkins, LBC, Merkins, Big Boys, and also some merkins were done.  In order to keep the opponent guessing, a random wildcat QB among the group was thrown in to lead the group in their choice of exercise.   7 minute quarters with a 6 minute Mary at halftime made for a great morning.


I noticed during the past week or two I have had some hiccups at home.  A sick family member and a health scare. In each instance my mind wen to this group of men, and it was comforting. I knew if the SHTF I had a group of guys I could lean on to help, to listen, or even just plug into as a distraction from all the crappy stuff.  Appreciate this fellowship and all that you men provide. You are impacting someone and may not know it.  @Lil Hunks  gave a great example of this impact in mentioning the transformation he and @Cooter have undergone in just a short time. @Cooter is well on his way to getting to requirements of entrance into the Air Force.  Great job man!!!  “No need to change THE world, just change YOUR world”.