F3 Medina
Wed., Sep. 28, 2022
Wed., Sep. 28, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
Walking Warmup on Field. Ended up at Goaline, Every 10 yards
- Rotate through:
- Toe Touch
- High Knee’ Imperial Walkers
- Leg Kick
- Side Shuffle (Left)
- Side Shuffle (Right)
At the M:
- (30) SSH
- Arm Circle
- Grady Corns
- Neck roll
- Bear Stretch
From Goaline and work to 50 yd line:
Round #1
(25) Merkins
Murder Bunny to the 50
(25) Merkins
Rifle Carry back to Goaline
Round #2
(25) Coupon Press
Murder Bunny + (2) Grave Diggers (every 10 yds) to 50
(25) Coupon Presses
Rifle Carry back to Goaline
(30) Curls
Murder Bunny + (2) Grave Digger + Manmaker (every 10 yds.) to 50
(30) Curls
Rifle Carry back to Goaline
Round #4
(30) Bent Rows
Murder Bunny + (2) Grave Diggers (every 10 yds) to 50
(30)Bent Rows
Rifle Carry back to Goaline
Round #4
(10) Block Merkins
Murder Bunny to the 50
(25) Block Merkins
Rifle Carry back to Goaline
Dr. W
Side Crunch
Freddy Mercury
Side Plank
Chosen….. Mentioned to the group that I just started re-watching the series “Chosen” (Available on Prime Video and directly online (https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImqyWwcC3-gIViimzAB09Kw3hEAAYASAAEgI-tPD_BwEhttp://angelstudios.comhttps://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImqyWwcC3-gIViimzAB09Kw3hEAAYASAAEgI-tPD_BwE). Mentioned that it really changed for me the way I think about Jesus, as a person. I think it is really powerful how they make him relatable. If you have not watched the (8) episode Season 1 I recommend you binge it sometime and let me know what you think…..