F3 Medina

Forrest’s Fun Run

Tue., Jan. 3, 2023


Tue., Jan. 3, 2023 / 05:15 am - 05:45 am / Medina Pavillion



2 out of 3 showed up for the run. The other appeared to either be searching for Pokemon around the Gazebo  at 515am, or it was @Lincoln‘s doppelganger.

@Forrest knocked over a stack of bed slats in the AM to wake up the M while stumbling around for his watch. Needless to say, the watch was found, and promptly left at home . We trusted @Barnum‘s watch, but i think he got his from the same place @Shugah shops. @Barnum had us at 21 minutes only. I plotted the course when I got home and it was exactly 3 miles. I doubt we ran 7min miles.

It was a romantic 3 miles through the moist streets of Medina.