F3 Medina
Mayhem in Medina
Fri., Aug. 5, 2022
“All the Way”
Fri., Aug. 5, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
@Scratch ‘n Sniff @Radio @Shugah @Garmin @Wall-E @Squid @Churchill (Q) met for an “82” themed beat down. The actual birthday of the 82nd Airborne Division is AUG 25 but that didn’t work for a Friday beat down. August 5 the 82nd infantry division was constituted by congress. Called the “All Americans” because they had soldiers from all 48 states at the time. PAX went 82 yards by doing: Grip Rip and Roll with a coupon, mosey, murder bunnies, bear crawl and upper body shuffle/mosey.
Each round ended with 10 reps of 8 exercises and 2 burpees. (A workout without only 2 burpees? Sign me up!). Not quite 6 MOM with a new experimental plank thrown in. Still looking for a name.