F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Feb. 13, 2024

Medina Square

Tue., Feb. 13, 2024 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina Square



We almost had a record, but instead, @Squealer added to his record of HC no-shows.   On the bright side, we did have a record tying ten PAX show up in the Gloom:  @Shugah @Rad @Decoy (Decoy) @Padre @Churchill @Cadet @Focker @Garmin @Dash @Radio enjoyed 3.3 chilly miles.The run must have been amazing, as @Focker came back with his pants down, and @Cadet was five minutes late, which could only mean that he really struggled getting his pants back on.   @Shugah continues to enjoy that extra half hour of sleep, while he kinda nurses his injury.  @Churchill and @Garmin were amazingly quiet behind us.  So much so, I think @Dash and I were starting to get a bit nervous.  @Rad and @Padre did an amazing job of taking the new guy (@Decoy)under their wings, and teaching him all the amazing aspects of F3!  Way to go guys!