F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Feb. 20, 2024

Medina Square

Tue., Feb. 20, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



A full bevy of nine ruckers showed out this AM for 3.32 miles of @Squealer‘s third favorite activity. @Padre @Decoy @Cadet @Squealer @Focker @Shugah @Brutus @Dash @Radio all partook of the inspiration given by our County Commissioner.
Speaking of a bevy of F3 guys, @Cadet, and favorite activities, Kudos to this group for showing up strong for our favorite SeaBee’s retirement party.  @Wall-E @Dash @Brutus @Decoy @Shugah @Dykes @Rad @Radio and of course @Cadet all enjoyed the long pours of the VFW, along with pictures of @Cadet with hair!!!  Congratulations buddy, and thank you for your service.  Now enjoy being a civilian (but remember to take your buddies to the VFW periodically)!
In other riveting news, @Squealer was left to explain, for the 32nd time, the difference between a county park and a city park.  He’s got his speech down to 28.5 seconds.  Great to have @Brutus near the front of the pack today, as he gave valuable input on everything from appliances to truck engines.  Maybe we should have named him Cooter?  I briefly heard @Cadet explaining his “hooker money” to @Decoy, but that’s as much as I picked up.  @Dash and @Brutus have big problems with the 49ers taking the ball first in the SB OT.  @Radio and @Squealer, not so much.  @Focker cracked his first beer of the day before we got started, while @Shugah and @Padre tried to 12 step him into joining 75 hard.