F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Tue., May. 16, 2023
Medina Lake
Tue., May. 16, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
I thought five PAX his the trail @Shugah @Dash @French Lick @Radio @Cadet, but got started when I heard the dulcet tones of @Padre voice coming from behind me, and realized we had a six PAX! The temp was a little brisk at the outset, as @Shugah shared that Miles does not have a broken collar bone, and @Radio gave the details of a thrilling Swarm victory last night. @Cadet mentioned something about him not caring “who’s screwing who”, and I’m guessing that had something to do with the Navy. @Padre brought everyone together with the discussion of TVs , and how much they cost. Things took a turn for the interesting, when he decided television signals weren’t nearly interesting enough, and started reading texts from released employees. This brought out the wonderful expression “dick tickler”, which brought joy to the group, as without @Picabo we were really wondering how penises would work their way into the conversation. Great work men! 3.3 miles of pure joy!
@Focker with the BEEtdown tomorrow. SYITG!