F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Jun. 20, 2023

Medina Square

Tue., Jun. 20, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina Square



Four very consistent PAX broke out for 3.35 miles of seriously consistent ruckage.  16:21 the first mile, 16:21 the second mile, 16:23 the third mile!  That’s pretty amazing.
We had our usually tom foolery going on with silly conversations about what we would do with the extra six minutes we got back in our days from starting early.  Using our bodies as an amusement park was high on the list.  @Dash and @Radio got so engrossed in an NFL conversation that we forget to turn around, netting us all an extra tenth of a mile.  We also got into a coming of age in Cincinnati conversation.  Good times.  I believe @Padre and @Shugah were engrossed in a Martha Stewartesque discussion about whether or not guests should bring a side dish to a party.  All that was great, but a good part of our morning was spent discussing our brother @Barnum and the loss of his father.  Some of us have tricky relationships with our fathers, and men aren’t always known for sharing their feelings.  Father’s Day can be complex in some families, and it’s certainly a difficult time to lose your dad.  Let us all lift @Barnum and his family in prayer as they deal with this difficult time.  God bless, brother!