F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Thu., Jun. 22, 2023


Thu., Jun. 22, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



A six PAX ventured into the freshly lit trails of Reagan Park. @Padre @Shugah @Cadet @Rad @Dash @Radio are all better men for surviving 3.2 miles of directionless chaos. 🧭

There was a lot of chatter that I didn’t catch, but here are the highlights. @Cadet gave an impassioned speech about the benefits of the diaper party. 🧷 @Dash is trying to talk himself into believing that missing a race week🏍️ to go to Wisconsin🐮 is really okay. It is, buddy, I promise! @Padre’s son delivered an important address, but I didn’t catch where, to whom, or the subject. 💬 @Rad is in the final phases of his prep work for the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii, which @Wall-E has completed 27 times.🏊‍♂️🚴🏃 @Shugah is now at 1% body fat, and has quit his job, because it’s the only way he could get 8 workouts a day in.💪 @Radio prays for the goodness of all his brothers, and just hopes each and every one of you fulfills your dreams.🙏