F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Thu., Aug. 10, 2023


Thu., Aug. 10, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



A six PAX got back to our roots. @Dash @Shugah @Padre @Squid @Cadet @Radio did the original rucking route, and are better men for it. We started off with brief walking tour of the Medina Art Museum, AKA the Senior Parking Lot.🎨 Truth be told, it was a little odd to see Reagan’s spot redone,😒 but time stands still for no one. ⌚ Unfortunately, from there the conversation turned to poop. πŸ’© @Radio felt it creeping, which led @Dash and @Cadet to basically tell every poop story they had ever experienced. Pringle can poops, pellet poops, single ball of poop poops, ghost poops, you name it, it was discussed. I even heard @Padre saying something about “dropping one footers” and @Shugah replied, “I drop them pretty deep”. Were they talking poop too? πŸ€” @Squid was very quiet, as he was recovering from his interval run earlier, laps followed by 100M sprints. Dude is a horse!🐎 Maybe he was trying to work up a poop to get rid of his Brunswick stew???🍲

Great ruck by all, a solid 3.2M.