F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Jan. 28, 2023
No Mercy Mile
Sat., Jan. 28, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
- Motivator from 6
- Shoulders/Tri’s
- Grady Corns
- Turn and Bounce
- Tippy Taps
- Runner’s Stretch
- Bear Stretch/Calves
-PAX started at the NW goal line and performed 25 Curls
-Lunge Walk to opposite sideline
-Mosey to 50 yard line – 25 Merkins
-Mosey to SE goal line – 25 LBC’s
-Bear Crawl to opposite sideline
-Mosey to 50 yard line – 25 Merkins
-Mosey to starting point – Rinse and Repeat
PAX completed 4 rounds – @Radio was on 6th round:
200 Merkins
100 Curls
100 LBC’s
412 yds Bear Crawl
412 yds Lunge Walk
Big Boys
Side Crunches
Crunchy Frogs
Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today