F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Jun. 18, 2022

Official F3 MAC Launch

Sat., Jun. 18, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Mugrage Park



See monthly PAX reports

Brutus, Comeback Kid, Dash, FLO, Forrest, French Lick, Hardware, Icy Hot, Lincoln, Radio, Scratch N Sniff, Shugah, SloMo, Software, Squealer, Stafford, Wall-E, Boomerang (Rocky River), Boomerang (Rocky River), Footlocker (Rocky River)


@Hardware breaking it down with PVC like no one else can.  Thank you for getting us loose brother!


@Comeback Kid a series of holds with incorporating an Indian Run around the lake.  Down dawgs, planks, squats, supermans, and pickle pointers with enjoyed by all.  Who knew an Indian run took so long with 20 guys?

@Scratch ‘n Sniff Burp Back Mountain.  One partner does burpees, while the other does two hill climbs.  Alternate until you reach 100 burpees, Dora style.  I’ll never look at @Comeback Kid the same again!

@Brutus circle up for a series of Rings o’ Fire!  Hold your pose until it gets to you, do a rep until we get to 100.  Planks, chair pose, and a Guantanamo that I think might still be going on!



@Radio brought us home with 50 rep sets of LBCs super set with 15 rep sets of American Hammers.  Finishing ups with 15x, 4ct sets of swimmers, both freestyle and breast stroke.


Thanks to everyone for making this possible.  @Flo for getting the ball rolling.  @Squealer and several others for bringing it to Medina.  @Scratch ‘n Sniff for branching us out to #f3-brunswick.  A huge shoutout to @Boomerang for making the trip down, and believing in our group enough to push us out of the nest!  F3 has been a life changer for me, and I’m certain many of you can say the same thing.  Thank you for a successful launch!  Now let’s grow this thing!