F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Jun. 24, 2023
Something Special
Sat., Jun. 24, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
PAX lined up on the goal line, and each picked exercises with reps based on the yardline they traveled to. One wrinkle: If you picked a non-weight bearing exercise you moseyed to and fro’. If you picked a weight bearing exercise you rifle carried to and fro’. Example: Merkins at the 30 yardline would require PAX to mosey to the 30, do 30 merkins and mosey back to the goal line. If 40 overhead press was picked, PAX would rifle carry to the 40, do 40 OH press, and rifle carry back. We did about 4600 different exercises, so I can’t recall them all, but you get the drift.
Same format, but with core exercises
Howard Lutnick was born into a middle class family in 1961. His mother died while he was in high school, and his father died during his first year of college. At 18 his extended family basically abandoned him and his siblings. He was even forced to hire an attorney to deal with the debt his father left behind. Fortunately, the president of Haverford College granted him a full scholarship to continue his studies, which he parlayed into an economics degree.
Howard became the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, a brokerage and financial services firm. CF occupied floors 101-105 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. They lost 658 of their 960 employees, including Howard’s brother Gary. After being forced to freeze paychecks, Lutnick vowed to take care of every family who lost a loved one in the attacks. He granted them 25% of the profits of CF for 5 years, and took care of everyone’s family healthcare for 10 years. As of 2006, CF, under Lutnick’s leadership had given more than $180M to families that had fallen victim to 9/11. The company now has 12,000 employees, and has over $6.5B in assets.
Never let anyone tell you that you cannot recover from whatever it is you have been through, men. Howard Lutnick is living proof that you can!