F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Sep. 2, 2023

Merkins, and Coupons, and Stairs, oh my!

Sat., Sep. 2, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



Arms, legs, bend and twist, and some yoga stuff


Round 1 (10 reps): Merkins, bent rows, curls, squats, overhead press

*Stairs: 2 flights of stairs – repeato between rounds

Round 2 (20 reps): Merkins, lawn mowers 10ea, curls, coupon swings, single arm chest press10 ea. side

Round 3 (30 reps): Merkins, skull crushers, curls, weighted lunge, chest press

Round 4 (20 reps): Merkins, lawn mowers 10ea, curls, coupon swings, single arm chest press10 ea. side

Round 5 (10 reps): Merkins, bent rows, curls, squats, overhead press


McGill exercises – (static hold for abs work c/Lamaze breathing) 30 sec intervals for neutral spine crunch and side plank. Soaring Superman’s middle-left-right-middle (60 sec total)
*if you felt like you were going to fart or poop yourself, you were doing it right!


Get after it! Do what you do best and let that help promote positive energy that you can then offer to others. Positive energy is just as contagious as negative. Apply this to your personal lives, work, beetdowns, etc. Performance anxiety is real and promotes productivity. Embrace the suck and get after it!