F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Sep. 10, 2022

100 yards of Radio

Sat., Sep. 10, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



PAX navigated 100 yards, did 25 reps of a core exercise, moseyed 100 yards, and did 25 more reps.
Rd. 1  Lunge Walk, 25 Big Boys, Mosey, 25 Big Boys
Rd. 2  Bear Crawl, 25 LBCs, Mosey, 25 LBCs
Rd. 3  Karaoke, 25 pickle pointers, Mosey, 25 Pickle Pointers
Rd. 4  Side lunge, 25 flutter kicks, Mosey, 25 flutter kicks
Rd. 5  Back Pedal, 25 American Hammers, Mosey, 25 AH
Rd. 6  Run 10 yards, do 5 merkins (repeat all the way down the field), 25 leg raises, Mosey, 25 leg raises
Rd. 7  Mosey, 25 Bicycles, Mosey, 25 Bicycles


In recent weeks, I’ve been watching a lot of cross country, visiting colleges, and watching my kids grow.  @Lincoln has dropped his oldest off at college (in Rhode Island, no less).  @Shugah @Garmin and @Rad have all been watching their kids go back to school, and participate in various sporting endeavors.  My thought in watching all this is to slow down.  Take time to enjoy the small individual moments, that when woven together become the tapestry of our lives.