F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Nov. 6, 2021

Strength and Support

Sat., Nov. 6, 2021 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



Set 1:

Bear Crawl guardian run man in back completes 5 burpees then runs to front. 100 yds.

Mucho Leg-o (Squat circuit)x10

  • Narrow Squat (feet together)+Regular squat+ Wide squat+Bonnie blair (right leg forward)+Bonnie Blair (left leg forward)= 1

Recovery #1-tree pose led by @Radio

Set 2:

Welsh Dragon-up to 5.

Duck walk/ Squat Ring of Fire- Pax duck walked around circle. When each Pax arrived at designated spot in circle, they completed 10 squats while rest of Pax held their duck walk squat and then cycle continued for 2 rounds.

Recovery #2- Prayer pose led by @Shugah for 120 count around the horn.

Set 3:

Bear crawl/merkin ring of fire- pax bear crawled around circle. When each Pax arrived at designated spot in circle,  they completed 10 merkins while rest of Pax held plank. Cycle continued for 2 rounds.

Bolt 45s ring of fire- stationary ring of fire. Pax held low squay while each completed Bolt 45:

  • 15 halfway (upper) squats
  • 15 halfway (lower) squats
  • 15 jump squats
  • Recovery #3- tricep recovery led by @Garmin

We had enough time for a Repeato of set 1 with a 50 yard guardian crawl and one more mucho squat-o


  • 15 LBC
  • 15 Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Gas Pumpers
  • Repeato


Focus of today was strength and support. The strength part of today was provided by me as Q. The support came from the PAX, who each led a recovery set. As men, we spend a lot of time and energy projecting strength. This is generally a good thing to do as leaders, but we also need to look to our support systems. Some are obvious (families, F3, etc) and will look to help even when we don’t know we need it. Others are there but may not offer assistance until we ask for it. Don’t let your ego or anything else get in the way of asking for the support that you need. You may be surprised where you find it and how it manifests itself. When assistance comes in any form, accept it.