F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Nov. 30, 2024

Rock paper scissors

Sat., Nov. 30, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



Tried something new and it definitely did not work…. So after a total cluster of trying to make it work, Q called a full audible and we completed coupon drills x10 for each PAX around the circle, between each round we bear crawled to the 50 and walked it back.


6 minutes of McGill Big 3 exercises, and Circle of pain with a ten count.


hug someone close to you today (ideally someone who doesn’t mind being hugged by you! ), let them know you care. I shared some stressful stuff that happened at work the other day. I had a really rough shift, and I was pretty emotional when I got home. My 7 year old hugged me so tight and told me she missed me and she loved me. She wouldn’t let go. I almost cried right on my doorstep. It was something I needed after the intense day I had. To reiterate what @French Lick said on Thursday when I was talking about how grateful I am for that….”hugs are powerful” let someone know you love them and that you care about them today, it doesn’t have to be prompted by anything else other than that fact.