F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Dec. 4, 2021
Rotating Stations
Sat., Dec. 4, 2021 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
- Neck
- Arm Circles
- Triceps/Shoulders
- Tippy Taps
- Flamingos
- Bear Stretch/Calves
We had 5 stations in the stadium with different exercises at each station:
– Station 1 West End Zone – Curls and Overhead Presses (25 Reps each), then jog to next station.
– Station 2 East End Building – Wall Chair and Balls to the Wall (30 second hold each), then jog to next station.
– Station 3 East End Zone – Squats and Bent Rows (25 Reps each)
– Station 4 East Goal Line – Bear Crawl/Crab Walk/Alternate lunges for 50 yards in any combination chosen, then jog to next station.
– Station 5 West End Bleachers – Incline Merkins and Tricep Dips (25 Reps each), then Rinse and Repeat.
Pax completed 4 cycles:
Curls – 100 Reps
Overhead Presses – 100 Reps
Wall Chair/Balls to the Wall – 2 minute holds
Squats – 100 Reps
Bent Rows – 100 Reps
Bear Crawl/Crab Walk/Lunges – 200 Yards
Incline Merkins – 100 Reps
Tricep Dips – 100 Reps
LBFC’s (4 count x 15)
Pass the butter (4 count x 15)
Side Crunches (10 count each side)
Dr W’s (10 count)
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense