F3 Medina
The Hive
Mon., Feb. 12, 2024
Focker's post Swifty-Bowl miracle hangover cure
Mon., Feb. 12, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
Tabata beetdown in x18 90 sec increments broken down into of 30 sec of the listed drills, ~40 sec of running and ~20 sec rest before the next drill.
- Burpees – run to 50 and mosey back to West endzone/recover for remainder of time.
- Crunches/abs – repeato run/recover
- Lunges – run/recover
- Dips – you get the idea
- Crunches/abs
- Squats
- Merkins
- Crunches/abs
- Lunges
- Bent rows
- Crunches/abs
- Squats
- Curls for girls
- Crunches/abs
- Lunges
- Burpees
- Crunches/abs
- Squats
Stealing from our Brunswick brothers and their messages from last week: Take time to appreciate small moments with your family. Sometimes you regret spending too much time on your phone, or at work, or watching TV. No one ever regrets spending too much time with meaningful relationships. Make a visit, call, or date with family or friends and enjoy those moments with them. Maybe take inventory on who you haven’t caught up with in a while and reach out to someone special to you. You never know what others are going through and they may need that time just as much as you do. Have a great week, brothers. Thanks for following me in the gloom this morning. Run/Ruck for tomorrow.