F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Mar. 29, 2021

Get Ready to Race

Mon., Mar. 29, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Get the blood flowing and legs warmed by running the bleacher stairs
  • 15 Slo-mo merkins
  • 15 Bolt 45’s squats
  • 15 Bear Crunches
  • Sprint to the 50, mosey back to goal line
  • 16 Merkins w/ shoulder tap
  • 15 Squats – slo-mo
  • 15 Pickle Pounders – with a 2 count hold
  • Sprint to the 50, mosey back
  • 15 Slo-Mo merkins
  • 16 Alternating side lunge – with a 2 count hold
  • 15 Bear Crunches
  • Karaoke to the 50 and karaoke back
  • Sprint to the 50 and Mosey back


Pursue those things that stir your soul and figure out how to incorporate it into your life.