F3 Medina
The Hive
Mon., Oct. 17, 2022
Failure IS an option
Mon., Oct. 17, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
I had 6 rounds on the sheet, but we only got to 5.
Round One: Bring Sally UP. 3:50 seconds on Merkin on Demand..
Round Two: Partner Stadium Stairs for a 5 minute weighted carry circuit. One Pax took the Weighted Sack up and down the stair and left it at bottom while second PAX ran repeats of stairs. If bag was at the bottom of the stairs it needed to be picked up by other PAX.
Round Three: to the concession stand for (5) 1 Minute sets of Balls To the Walls with 15 sec rest between sets.
Round Four: in the same fashion (5) 1 minute Wall-E Sits.
Round Five: Grabbed Coupons for Curls done in One minute intervals of :50/:10 Work/Rest
If time allowed I had the last round of Block Over Merkins (Left, Center, Right) to FAILURE…
40, 4-count LBCs
Child-LIKE verses Child-ISH faith. We have been watching the CHOSEN series as a church and this week (Episode 3) centered on the portion of scripture regarding Jesus and the Children. It was eye opening to see Jesus in the context of being open to spending time with them, and the children engaging and peppering Jesus with kid questions (where do you live, why are you in the woods, how do you make money, why don’t you have a house, what’s your favorite food????). The core of the lesson was centered on Jesus wanting us ALL to have a Child-LIKE faith, not to be confused with Child-ISH. Child-LIKE faith is simplistic, accepting, trusting and honest. Child-ISH is self-centered, confused, immature and blaming.
Jesus wants ALL of us to come to him with Child-LIKE faith in him. In Matthew 18 Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.