F3 Stow
The Motivator
Tue., Aug. 22, 2023
Magic Mike comes to Stow
Tue., Aug. 22, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School
Mosey to playground
5 exercises done in cadence for 10rds
(Multiple the exercise # by round # to get rep count)
Total reps:
55 pull-ups
110 merkins
165 dips
220 big Bois
275 squats
825 reps in 30 minutes
( I think @Wile E. made us do a couple bonus reps also )
Praise to group for the accountability and xtra push to do more. Also praise to the F3Stow group in general. A lot of us feel you have something special here, keep it up!
Prayers for @Pulte’s friend Steve who lost his battle with his demons this past weekend. Prayers out to the family and all they are dealing with right now.
My words today come from something I have read at Copley several times, so I thought I would share with Stow. It comes from the book Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales. In it he talks about physical survival but the parallels to life are similar. To survive you must come to grips with your reality. This crosses into the First Rule of Life: Be here now. He continues by saying you don’t have to be an expert, don’t have to be perfect, you just have to get on with it and Do The Next Right Thing. I reread this often to keep me focused. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Have a great day men!