Sat., Feb. 3, 2024
Hudson Soft Launch
Sat., Feb. 3, 2024 / 07:00 am - 07:45 am / Christ Community Church
From Hardware: 47 Pax performed various exercises around the parking lot.Good Q led by @Engelberg (Brecksville). I feel this AO has a lot of potential with 29 FNG’s showing. Woodridge tuesday and Thursday AO was mentioned.
From Radio: The Hudson Clown Car: Our seven PAX joined with a whopping 40 others, for a total of 47 including 28 FNGs for the Hudson soft Launch. @Engelberg (Brecksville) led a rousing Q around the Christ Church parking lot, and did a sensational job of explaining who and what F3 is. Good luck to this AO!Continued prayers to @Dykes friend with colon cancer, the Svec family, as father Matt has been diagnosed with the same, and to @French Lick‘s father-in-law, as he continues to battle illness. Safe travels to @Focker.
Coffeeteria enjoyed by @Rad @Dash @Wall-E and @Radio this morning. The service sucked, but the company more than made up for it!