F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Sep. 7, 2023
Buckeye Woods
Thu., Sep. 7, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
@Wall-E @Padre @Shugah @Dash @Cadet @Brutus @Radio and a stylishly late @Squealer can all thank @Forrest for this mosquito infested venue. 3.3 miles of slapping your arms, waving at the air, and spitting mosquito fun was had by all. With such a large group, it was hard to pick up on individual conversations, but a few tidbits were bantered about. @Brutus went to an awesome golf outing, complete with strippers and water cannons filled with vodka! Thanks for the invite no word on how he scored. @Dash vehemently argues that the bag limit at Buckeye Woods should be zero, rather than three, as “that damn lake doesn’t have any fish in it anyway.” If you happen to stay at the Embassy Suites in Independence, @Cadet recommends room 4207, as everything has been replaced, since he and his M trashed the place recently. He said they left pee stains on the carpet, frayed it on the ends, and broke the furniture. Sounds like a fun night. Sadly, there were no sightings of the crack addict offering “his services” for $10 on the trail. Just in case, @Cadet was carrying 20s.