F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Nov. 7, 2023


Tue., Nov. 7, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



A six PAX hit the Medina Cemetery Tour, as @Donkey @Shugah @Padre @Dash @Squealer @Radio made our way through St. Francis and Old Town Cemeteries in the Halloween Ruck that was a week late! 3.2 miles was consumed, and in the true spirit of things, @Squealer @Dash and @Radio started off reliving their Halloween experiences. Once @Dash realized that no kids come to his place, because he’s pretty isolated, and more than a bit scary, he fell back, and decided to teach @Donkey his one up, three down shifting technique! @Padre was giving @Shugah all the information he ever needed on how to build a mother in-law suite. Of course, Padre being Padre, it ended up sounding more like the presidential suite at Trump Tower. Hot Tub, Sauna, Ice Bath, vibrating bed (at least I think I heard that), and a full service wet bar. @Padre may have a grand plan to end up in the MIL suite himself one day. @Squealer filled @Radio with all things Medina politics. Including, but not limited to, Highway interchanges, NOACA and how to deal with them, the benefits of wide, level sidewalks. and his step by step plan for succession of Medina County, should things go sideways at the State level. Good times had by all! Now get out and vote!