F3 Medina
Wed., Aug. 16, 2023
Tour de Dukes
Wed., Aug. 16, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
- SSH – 25 reps
- Shoulders/Tri’s
- Grady Corns
- Tappy Taps
- Runner’s Stretch
- Bear Stretch/Calves
PAX partnered up and traveled to 8 different stations around the stadium to perform an exercise.
- Curls – 25 Reps
- Monkey Humpers – 25 Reps
- Stadium Stairs
- Wall Chair – 30 second hold
- Balls-to-the-Wall – 30 second hold
- LBC’s – 25 Reps
- Karaoke – 100 Yards
- Merkins – 25 Reps
PAX completed roughly 3 Rounds
- V Rollups
- Side Crunches
- Crunchy Frogs
- Flutter Kicks
- High Plank – Shoulder Taps
About a month ago, my oldest daughter and I talked about getting in a trip to Cedar Point before school started. Time got away from us and she began high school soccer practice.
This past Sunday, she told me they did not have practice on Tuesday and asked if we could go. My initial thought was that I couldn’t get off work and we would just have to try another time.
After thinking about the opportunity we had, I decided to take the day off and she and I went to Cedar Point. We had a great day together and I and glad we were able to go.
Don’t waste an opportunity to do something memorable with your kids.