F3 Medina
Forrest’s Fun Run
Thu., Apr. 13, 2023
Chippewa Lake
Thu., Apr. 13, 2023 / 05:15 am - 05:45 am / Medina Pavillion
@Evan was coming in hot and missed the parking lot by about 1/2 mile. @Radio doesn’t wait for anyone and took off to get a head start at 514, @Shugah said he needed a head start as well and rolled out at 515. @Forrest and @Evan finally got rolling at 518. We all managed between 2.67 miles and 4.8. @Forrest had to stop a few times due to some poking out. The bugs like the headlamps on the rail trail in Chippewa. @Evan wondered if we call each other by F3 name outside of f3.. I let him know for the most part I don’t know anyone’s real name. Gave him some back story on a few names.
I didn’t mind the new location, an easy out and back @Shugah can’t get lost on. The chupacabra did not attack @Radio. The location is closer than I thought as I arrived 12 minutes early .