F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Thu., Apr. 13, 2023

Chippewa Lake

Thu., Apr. 13, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



It all started with @Radio saying, “I gotta stop trying to get healthy…It’s killing me.”, after his fairly unsuccessful run.    He was joined at the newest AO by @Dash @Picabo @Shugah and @Barnum, whom he mistook for some weirdo sitting in the parking lot when he got back.  @Cadet, not so coincidentally, bailed about 45 seconds after @Squealer‘s slaughterhouse post.  Though the trail was relatively flat, it all went downhill from there (I think @Barnum may be a bad influence), as topics ranged from the new tranny Bud Light ad campaign, just why Kurt Cobain thought that everyone was gay (and how that may have been a prophecy), and why lesbians are attracted to masculine looking women, while gay men like feminine looking guys.    Yes, it was that kind of morning.  All the while, @Shugah kept his dignity, and remained five paces ahead of us, with his head held high, and his opinions to himself.  For the return trip, @Dash surged to @Shugah‘s side, leaving @Radio @Barnum and @Picabo to discuss the many splendors of speed walking at Augusta National, as well as the $13M wall that @Picabo personally built at the IX Center!  Good times boys, as the sun was coming up over the golf course, as we rounded out our 3.2 miles.