F3 Copley
The Tomahawk
Sat., Jan. 15, 2022
Partner Reps
Sat., Jan. 15, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Copley High School
1 lap mosey, SSH, Michael Phelps, shoulder circles, turn and bounce, tappy taps, kasak (sp?) stretching
First partner runs to designated yard line and does and exercise while the second partner stays at goal line doing another exercise.
When first complete, swap and then stay in goal line exercise til 6.
10 Yard line – 7 merkins / Squats at goal line
20 Yard line – 7 Scarecrows / lunges at goal line
30 yard line – 14 merkins / toe taps at goal line with right leg
40 Yard line – 14 Scarecrows / toe taps at goal line with left leg
50 Yard line – 21 merkins / lunges at goal line
Other 40 Yard line – 21 Scarecrows / squats at goal line
Other 30 Yard line – 14 merkins / squats at goal line
Other 20 Yard line – 14 Scarecrows / step back lunges at goal line
Other 10 Yard line – 7 merkins / toe taps at goal line with right leg
Other goal line – 7 Scarecrows / toe taps at goal line with left leg
50 Yard line – 7 merkins / step back lunges at goal line
25 Yard line – 7 Scarecrows / squats at goal line
21 LBC, 14 Freddy Mercury, 21 Pickle Pointers, 5 supermans, Plank-o-rama (around twice for each)– high plank, left side, right side
TAPS for @Comeback Kid as he goes through some challenges in his life. Pray for the strength to get thru the difficult times and to lean on his brothers in his time of need.
I have read a couple times in recent months the story of Abraham and Isaac and it was revealed the most simple thing that Isaac (Abraham’s only son) carried wood up a mountain to be sacrificed which reminds us of Jesus, God’s only son, that carried wood (his cross) up the mountain to be sacrificed. At the time, Isaac was not a young kid that would not be able to carry the load of the wood. Abraham was 100 yrs old. At any time, Isaac could have overtaken Abraham and not allowed the sacrifice to happen, but they both had trust in God. When we are going thru difficult times in our lives and feel that God is asking us for more than we have, trust in him that he has a plan for us and will put us where he wants us.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead this group of men. It is always an honor and provides a much needed boost for me in my life when having this opportunity.