F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Dec. 14, 2023
Jaycee Park
Thu., Dec. 14, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Jaycee's Park
Four and a half PAX delivered a chilly 3.25 miles. @Dash @Uniballer @Padre @Radio and half of a @Forrest, as we romantically walked him home. @Padre had the audacity to show up only two minutes early. Can you imagine? @Dash is still recovering from tweaking his back last Saturday, but we think we’ve found the root cause. It was the nasty spill he took at Blackhawk Farms over 20 years ago. It may have caused him pain, but it made him a better racer! Speaking of racing, @Uniballer was doing 75MPH as he neared the parking area. All @Forrest and I could see was brake lights, as he locked them up and skidded into a spot. It was rather amazing. @Padre seems to have recovered from COVID, which lead to a discussion around COVID tests. Do the home tests even work anymore? Is it work getting tested, as we all know what to do for it now? Either way, he’s back, and provided great comedic value by apologizing for being on time. Today’s poll question involves rude people on the path. Do they not say good morning because, A. They have ear buds in, B. They are just plain rude, C. They are deaf, D. It’s really not been a good morning, or E. All of the above?