F3 Copley
Running with Kettle Bells
Wed., Feb. 15, 2023
Running with Kettlebells
Wed., Feb. 15, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Icy Hot
neck rolls, arm circles, Michael Phelps, turn-and-bounce, tappy taps, slow squats, flamingos, motivator from 5
On the field, running with resistance- KBs, weighted vest, ruck or ailing knee. Run the length of the field carrying KB in right hand until exhaustion. Switch to left hand and run to exhaustion. Do 5 exercises of your choice, run to opposite side of field, return and reset. All to music from DJ Stafford.
20 3count pass the butter, 20 big boys and 20 3count LBCs. A little stretching followed.
Thought today is “life turns on a dime” and what you know your world to be today, could be vastly different tomorrow. Make the most of each moment.