F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Apr. 6, 2023
AI Root
Thu., Apr. 6, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
A six PAX met in the gloom, and managed to keep their feet dry for 3.2miles. @Dash @Cadet @Radio @Shugah @Padre @Churchill made a decent showing, but the Q was a little disappointed, as A. we probably rucked past @Focker‘s house, since we were on West Park, and B. the mysterious @Rad failed to show, after his Wednesday teaser. In the name of keeping things on a disappointing level, I didn’t catch much of the conversation behind me, so this BB will be a little lame. I mostly caught up with @Cadet on all things civilian like, as his military career comes to a close. I did hear @Dash say, “She wasn’t born in this country”, to which @Padre replied, “That’s not a bad thing.” No clue what they were talking about, but it sounded interesting. @Shugah was telling @Churchill his plans for this summer’s Iron Man Triathlon in Hawaii, and how his goal is to finish in the top five (I might be making this up). @Churchill was in one hell of a hot hurry to get out of dodge this morning, so he could get a jump on his drug deals. By the time it was over, a good time was had by all!
@number5 is on deck with a guest Q. SYITG!