F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Feb. 9, 2024


Fri., Feb. 9, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Dynamics and static stretching


Partner Up (One PAX goes to jail, while the other bails his brother out). – Not as “Static” as originally advertised.

  1. Plank (Jail) x50 squats (Bail)
  2. Derkins (Jail) x50 SSH (Bail)
  3. Dips (Jail) x50 Curls for the Girls (Bail)
  4. Crunches (Jail) x50 Bent Rows (Bail)
  5. 6” legs off ground/coupon overhead (Jail) x25 Rt Chest Press x25 Lt Chest Press (Bail)
  6. Bear crawl until bailed out (Jail) x50 merkins and sprint to partner (Bail)
  7. Goblet Squat Hold (Jail) x20 Burpees (Bail)
  8. Side Plank (Jail) x50 side crunches x25 ea. (Bail)
  9. Suicides keeping up with Bailor (Jail) Rifle carry across the field and back (Bail)
  10. Mtn Climbers (Jail) Coupon bear crawl to 30yds (Bail)


Grateful for this group. Again!