F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Apr. 2, 2024

Garage at Washington & Jefferson

Tue., Apr. 2, 2024 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / parking garage



@Solyndra @Churchill @Decoy @Squealer @Shugah @Padre @Cadet @Dash @Radio got in somewhere between 2.96 and 3.23 miles, depending on the device you feel the most confident in.
After telling everyone that they were not going to get into Honeywell talk, it took exactly 14 seconds for @Decoy and @Cadet to morph into the water cooler twins.   I’m not sure what was happening with @Shugah and @Solyndra, but I do know that someone slammed on their brakes, @Shugah turned left, and he has no idea what happened after that.  @Solyndra apparently brake-checked someone earlier in the week as well.  This all sounds like a good excuse not to ride around with either of them.    @Squealer was either A. holing in a loaf , B. Got extremely out of shape on vacation. , or C. had an early morning meeting.   One minute he was with us, the next minute @Padre is cruising to the front like a guy who lost is best friend.  @Churchill couldn’t keep his eyes off of his phone, as grandchild #14 should be arriving any minute now.  Congrats!  @Dash and @Radio were again, the most boring old married couple in the group, comparing micro and macro economic policies.  But @Dash did do an amazing job with his hair this morning!